Morgan Housel captivated us with a riveting presentation on risk and investing last Friday, February 26th. Risk is the most important topic in investing. But it is not simple or intuitive. In this talk, Morgan Housel shared four stories that show we can think about risk in a more productive way that helps investors make better decisions for themselves and their clients. Here’s the article that led to Morgan’s newest book, “The Psychology of Money”.
If you missed it, please enjoy a replay of Morgan’s presentation with Q&A starting at [37:27] minutes.
Speaker Bio:

Morgan Housel is a partner at the Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm backing young companies that are moving the world forward. Previously, he was a columnist at The Wall Street Journal and an analyst at The Motley Fool. He is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was selected by the Columbia Journalism Review for the Best Business Writing anthology. In 2013 and 2016, he was a finalist for the Gerald Loeb Award and Scripps Howard Award.
Using insights from psychology, history, neurology, and sociology, Morgan walks audiences through the cognitive biases that cause investors to become their own worst enemies and explains how understanding your own behavior can be the key to reaching your financial goals. An expert on behavioral finance and investing history, his presentations combine storytelling with the latest research to discuss the current state of financial markets, the investment industry, and personal finance.
He has authored 3 books: Everyone Believes It; Most Will Be Wrong, 50 Years in the Making: The Great Recession and Its Aftermath, and his newest book published in Sept 2020, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed and happiness.
“Morgan Housel’s explanatory skills are simply superb. Best of the class” praised the judges of the prestigious Society of American Business Editors and Writers.
Pedro Bernal, CFA | Anne Rogers