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CFA Society North Carolina supports gender diversity.  Let us explore this topic more in-depth.

Gender Diversity in Finance

Sound investing mandates diversification, yet it is remarkably absent from team construction across all spectrums of the profession. As the largest global association of investment professionals, CFA Institute is in a unique position to raise awareness and drive change.

Women in Investment Management Initiative

The CFA Institute Women in Investment Management initiative is focused on improving investor outcomes by encouraging diversity in the investment management profession.

Gender and Career Choice

Learn about how role models and exposure to STEM during childhood affect women’s decision to enter the finance profession. 

Women will be a key driver of the future of finance

As the investment industry undergoes accelerating change, the investment professional of the future must adapt and embrace new challenges and opportunities for career success.  Learn more on how you can prepare yourself for the future through this interactive presentation. Investment Professional of the Future | Changing Roles, Skills, and Organizational Cultures (

Key Research

Women and the Workplace

Sheri Gillette